What is the Parochial Church Council (PCC)?

The running of our parish is the joint responsibility of the vicar and the parochial church council (PCC), which is made up of the parish clergy and elected representatives from our congregation. As such, the PCC is our church’s governing body and also the board of trustees which oversees the church’s charitable works and money.

The powers and duties of PCCs are laid down in law. Key duties are to co-operate with the vicar in promoting the mission of the Church in the parish and to be responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents. It also has a voice in the forms of service used by the church and may make representations to the bishop and deanery synod on matters affecting the welfare and pastoral care of the parish.

How does the PCC carry out its work?

Our PCC meets regularly to discuss matters about the life of the Church. Apart from finance and buildings, it considers the Church's mission and involvement in the community, support of missionary work, the social life and activities of the Church, the spiritual development of the congregation and our worship. Given that

this would amount to a lot of work for a small group of volunteers, the PCC delegates some of its tasks to sub-groups, as depicted in this diagram.

The structure of our PCC and its sub-groups

The PCC carries out its work in an open and transparent basis while ensuring it complies fully with its legal and moral responsibilities. As such, it sets out its approach to a number of essential areas in a series of policies that can be found on our Policies page. The policies are regularly reviewed, in accordance with our Policy Review Plan.

If you would like to find out more about the PCC or are interested in joining, please keep reading below, contact a member of the Ministry Team or see the suggestions for further reading at the bottom of this page.

Who is on the PCC?

The PCC is made up of members of the clergy and lay members of the church. A lay member is anyone who is on the electoral roll but is not a member of the clergy. In more detail, this is how the PCC is formed:

Anyone who is over 16 years old and has been on the electoral roll for over 6 months can stand for election. Further information on the rules around church elections can be found on the Diocese of Oxford website.

Who is on the electoral roll?

Anyone can join the electoral roll, allowing them to vote in church elections or to stand as a PCC candidate, provided they are:

If you would like to find out more or join our electoral roll, please ask a member of our Ministry Team or our Electoral Roll Officer.

What happens at PCC meetings?

There are a few things the PCC does at its first meeting each year:

We meet at least four times a year, usually on a Thursday evening for around 2½ hours:

What are the specific responsibilities of the PCC?

The PCC is required, among other things, to do the following each year:

What should I know if I want to join the PCC?

PCC members are required to be at least 16 years old, be communicants (they regularly receive Holy Communion) and have been on electoral roll for at least 6 months prior to being elected. They are also expected to:

Members are also formally Trustees of the charity that is the PCC and are responsible for managing the Church’s finances. In law the PCC is a ‘body corporate’, which means that it is separate from the people who serve on it so PCC members are not liable for any debts incurred by the PCC unless their individual actions are judged to be negligent or deceitful. Trustees have responsibilities under the Charity Act 2011 and members should acquaint themselves with Trusteeship: An Introduction Booklet for PCC members which provides more detailed guidance.

See Also