Outlook - April 2025

The magazine for the people of Hughenden Parish

Dear Readers

If I’m at church and visitors come in, after showing them around a little, I always offer them a copy of Outlook, invariably saying that it goes well with a cup of coffee. Well, you might need a full cafetière and a croissant with this edition as it is packed with many, very interesting articles and we’ve had to hold some of them over to next month. Thank you contributors so very much.

It is always fun to look at the magazine site and see what has come in. It is you who make Outlook as good as it is.

Inevitably the words Lent and Easter feature heavily through many articles. That is where we are in the church’s year and I really like the ebb and flow of the seasons of the church. We have had the symbolic Ash Wednesday service and are moving towards the special times of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Saturday, all with their own particular flavour. I am often upset when I see Hot Cross Buns on sale in January. The very best time to enjoy them is on Good Friday morning after singing a long and solemn service.

As it says in Ecclesiastes: for everything there is a season: a time to be born and a time to die … and definitely a time to eat hot cross buns! This year we will also have the children’s Easter Eggventure on the Saturday morning before the flower ladies move in to fill the church with an extravagant display of bright colour. Truly joyful. And, then it will be Easter Sunday. Celebratory hymns and songs of praise will be sung, no doubt great quantities of chocolate will be eaten and many people will try to get together with family and friends.

Happy Easter to you all. Alleluia!

Susan Brice


(Not) From the Vicarage

As this April Outlook edition goes to print, it is approximately halfway through the season of Lent – which Keith wrote about last month. On Sundays during Lent at St. Michael & All Angels, we are following the accounts of Jesus’ life and journey towards that first Holy week: Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem, final meal with friends, his arrest, trial and crucifixion on that first ‘GOOD FRIDAY’.

I remember when I was younger, wondering what was so ‘GOOD’ about a man being betrayed by friends, falsely accused, beaten, spat on, nailed - whilst alive - to a wooden cross and left to die in the heat of the day. The reality is if Jesus was an ordinary person like you or me, this would have been the end – and a despicably cruel end at that.

Another thing happening at St. Michael & All Angels on Wednesday evenings during Lent, is ALPHA. An evening of food, video presentations and discussions around different aspects of the Christian faith. The first 2 weeks of ALPHA ask the questions that are relevant to understanding ‘GOOD Friday’: ‘who is Jesus?’ and ‘why did Jesus die?’

For Christians, it boils down to God’s love and God’s instructions to humankind ‘simply’ to love God back, to love one another and to love the creation around us. I think you would agree we don’t need to look very far to see how miserably we fail at that. In response, God chose to come in human form (in the person of Jesus) to show us how to love and live well together and to take the punishment for our mistakes – on the cross. Jesus’ death was horrific but a necessary part of God’s rescue plan. Jesus’ death on the cross is a demonstration of the extent of God’s love for each one of us: GOOD news on GOOD FRIDAY.

American Pastor S.M Lockridge famously said ‘It’s Friday – but Sunday’s a coming.’  When Jesus died on the cross, he dealt with everything that separates us from God. But Jesus didn’t stay dead. On that first Easter morning God overcame death, Jesus left the tomb. Our Easter Sunday services will be joy filled celebrations- celebrating God’s life and love: Jesus is risen - He is risen indeed Hallelujah!

We would be delighted for you to join us on the journey through Holy Week and to the celebration of Easter. We look forward to welcoming you.

Rev. Helen Peters

Associate Minister

Home: 01494 716772

Mobile: 07792 118357


Flipping Fun

A Pancake Party to Remember!

St Michael & All Angels was filled with laughter, joy, and the sweet smell of pancakes as 45 children and their families gathered for a fantastic celebration. The event was a huge success, bringing families together for a time of fun, a celebration in the church, and of course, delicious PANCAKES!

From the moment the children arrived, the excitement was contagious. The event kicked off with a variety of creative craft stations where little hands got busy decorating pancake-themed crafts. At the same time there were a number of games in the church cottage including hook a duck and giant Dobble.

As the afternoon unfolded, we moved into the church for our celebration, a time of music and fun. Voices joined together in joyful singing, filling the church with an atmosphere of unity and happiness. The fun continued with our first ever St Michael’s mini duck Hunt which proved to be one of the highlights of the day, as children eagerly searched for 150 hidden mini ducks scattered around the church. Our celebration helped remind everyone of the meaning behind the pancakes, as well as a chance to come together as a community, share in fellowship, and celebrate before Lent begins.

Of course, no Pancake Party would be complete without the star of the show – pancakes! The children (and adults!) eagerly tucked into stacks of warm, golden pancakes topped with lemon and sugar and a variety of other tasty toppings. Laughter and chatter filled the room as everyone enjoyed the delicious feast.

The event was a true testament to the power of community and the joy that comes from gathering together. St. Michael’s Pancake Party was not just about games and treats – it was about creating memories, sharing faith, and bringing smiles to everyone.

As the day ended, happy children left with full bellies and full hearts, already looking forward to the next big celebration at St. Michael & All Angels. If this year’s event was anything to go by, the tradition of pancake fun is sure to continue for years to come!

Chris Coyston

Children & Families Minister

Something’s Missing

Have you noticed?

The wall behind the pulpit is sadly bare of Benjamin Disraeli’s Garter Banner and armorial regalia.

They were recently removed for restoration at the Royal School of Needlework at Hampton Court.

The banner has been restored once before and is protected by a fine mesh which effectively hold the pieces of the banner in place.

The helm is composed of a helmet-like object surmounted by Disraeli’s castle emblem ( both of carved wood), on which is hung an adornment comprising what I can only describe as 2 dangly things with tassels on, (unless our Editor knows the correct name). This part is quite robust, seeing that it, like the banner, was placed here at Queen Victoria’s express command.

Below these two items hung a ceremonial (but sadly – or perhaps thankfully) only wooden sword. I was thus able to have a few practice swings with it without causing danger or damage.

Our thanks to Derek Brown for getting, erecting and dismantling the scaffolding, and for his careful removal of these historic items.

I shall report further on their removal to Hampton Court, and subsequent care in due course.

Jane Tyrer

The Seekers Housegroup

I would like to pay tribute to David and Charlotte Tester, who have led this housegroup for very many years, and now from May will have a well earned rest.

For those of you reading this who may not know what a housegroup is? It is a small group of people, any age, meeting together on a regular basis to discuss and pray about "anything" to do with Christianity. It is a safe, friendly place in someone's home, and anything said will go no further. There are several groups attached to the Church held at various times of the day. If you are interested in joining one, please ask for further information from Keith Johnson, our Vicar, or Helen Peters, our Associate Minister.

The Seekers housegroup has been an event to look forward to every week. It has been both informative and fun, with great fellowship. We have been welcomed greatly by the group and even the most "uninformed" of us have been able to have our say without feeling a fool or ignorant. The preparation by David and Charlotte has been beyond brilliant. I do feel we owe a lot to them in our journey to a greater knowledge of our Lord.

Our numbers have decreased recently due to members moving away and it is now time that David and Charlotte should have more time with their family.

I should also like to include in our thanks, Christine Powell, who has welcomed us into her home each week.

We will miss the Christian fellowship, but we wish them both a happy "retirement" and we will never forget our Wednesday evenings.

Sue Devereux

and all the Seekers past and present


Lighthouse is a much-loved charity which many members of our church have benefited from over the years. Lighthouse is our chosen charity focus from April to June and our own Ben Sharp (Chair of Trustees: Lighthouse Central) will be speaking to us on Sunday 18th May at both the 9.00am and 11.00am services. He has also provided the following article to remind us of the amazing Christian holiday programmes that Lighthouse runs each year in our local communities.

Mission Support Group

Shining a Light in our Communities

What’s not to like about a community coming together to support and invest in children and young people?

Nothing! That is certainly what everyone at Lighthouses around the UK think. Each Lighthouse offers a unique experience to kids who, over one week, attend the best holiday club of their lives.

Lighthouse is primarily for primary school aged children, who come along for one week during the summer holidays and have a fantastic time. They get to play, do craft activities, sing and dance, learn in a fun way, get messy, make new friends and generally have an amazing week.

Parents? They love Lighthouse too! As well as being a week of summer holiday childcare, they know their children are having a great time in a safe environment, as well as receiving life-affirming, moral teaching. Plus it is free to send a child: no family should miss out for financial reasons.

Then there are the volunteer helpers, who are enriched by giving their time. Whether the secondary-school aged Lamplighters who may have grown up through Lighthouse or the adult volunteers who perhaps attended a Lighthouse as a child.

What of the impact of a Lighthouse in the community it serves? One Lighthouse is based at a school in a relatively deprived urban area. The school loves hosting Lighthouse because of the lift it gives the community each summer plus the transformation the school’s teenage volunteers experience, when they are empowered to look after the younger children and be role models to them.

I was blown away by the ease with which Lighthouse managed 460 kids over 5 days. All children thoroughly entertained, included & cared for. (Trasna, mum & helper)

Starting as one event in Great Missenden over 35 years ago, Lighthouse has grown from its Buckinghamshire base to run at 15 sites around the UK. In 2024, 3,000 children attended a Lighthouse supported by 1,200 volunteers of all ages. And the Lighthouse family is growing back to its pre-Covid numbers, when over 5,000 children were participating each summer.

Each Lighthouse is unashamedly Christian, amazingly popular and locally proven. They start when a group of churches recognise Lighthouse provides the perfect opportunity for churches and communities to come together around children. God has worked consistently through Lighthouse over many years and seen the lives of thousands of children, young people and adults changed.

Many children who started at Lighthouse have gone on to become leaders and trustees in the Lighthouse movement and many have gone on to become leaders in their wider communities, with some launching new charitable initiatives.

Year after year the Lighthouses find themselves significantly oversubscribed as parents scramble to enrol their children. To grow and expand the available spaces, more Lighthouses have been established but many more are still needed.

Lighthouse Central was created in 2016 to support the growth of the Lighthouse family. It focuses on bringing the Lighthouse experience to many more locations and also supports those already established by ensuring consistency in safeguarding, delivery, teaching and quality.

Lighthouse Central has bold plans for the future. The team is passionate about seeing children and young people from all walks of life and with any ability encounter God. Their vision is to plant at least one Lighthouse in every region of the UK by 2035, allowing over 10,000 children and young people to attend a Lighthouse each year.

My people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth […] we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord. Psalms 78:1, 4 NIVUK

Psalm 78 reminds us that God told us not to keep stories of our faith to ourselves but to pass them along to the next generation. Similarly, in Matthew 19 Jesus reached out to part of society considered to be insignificant when he said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

Every Lighthouse is entirely reliant on the generosity and goodwill of their local community and the congregation at St Michael & All Angels Church has kindly given time, talents and money in recent years. But the limited number of volunteers at every Lighthouse limits how many children can attend - one local Lighthouse had 199 child attendees in 2024… but 121 were turned away, mostly due to a shortage of helpers.

Lighthouse needs YOUR continued help to support its great work with children and young people at the heart of communities such as High Wycombe and to gear its nationwide growth.

Locally, you could share your skills or time. Your local Lighthouse would love to hear from you, whether you could offer helping hands, organising skills, craft materials or ideas, baking or more.

You could pray for your local Lighthouse and the nationwide Lighthouse family. God does wonderful things through prayer so please pray for Lighthouse and join a local prayer event before and during Lighthouse week.

You could support Lighthouse fundraising events throughout the year. If you learn of something going on, please attend or get involved.

And to support Lighthouse Central’s work to grow Lighthouse nationwide, the Friends of Lighthouse have formed. They are individuals, couples and families who have committed to a regular donation to support initiatives such as planting new Lighthouses and expanding Additional Needs support, which is Lighthouse’s current fundraising focus.

Perhaps you would consider donating a regular gift, which would really help Lighthouse plan for the future in confidence?

£10 a month could fund craft materials for children to enjoy as they learn about Christ.

£40 a month could fund training and support for volunteers to share God’s word.

£85 a month could hire a venue providing a safe environment to encounter Jesus.

£175 a month could set up a new Lighthouse, welcoming hundreds of children every year.

Any regular gift that you could give would be used to establish new Lighthouses and help support existing ones. Please would you help Lighthouse realise our vision and make a lasting impact in communities across the UK?

My children love Lighthouse and I mean love it. The team are fantastic and truly put their heart and soul into everything. An amazing week. (Anita, mum)

Lighthouse is unashamedly Christian, and it remains amazingly popular, is very much locally proven and continues to take church into the community, making a substantial impact. What’s not to like?!

For more information about Lighthouse, to make a much needed donation or to find out more, please email: ben.sharp@lighthousecentral.org

Ben Sharp

Chair of Trustees, Lighthouse Central

Mission Partner Update

Kevin and Jen Cable move on …

As you read this Kevin and Jen Cable should be in Wisconsin, USA, starting their new ministry in a parish there. They were due to fly from the UK on 20 March. In their final newsletter to us from Israel, they describe:

“We are really grateful for the support you have given us. We have valued your prayers and friendship over the last few years. We give thanks for the wonderful privilege of serving here in the Holy Land for 4 years, for the people we have met and shared life with, and the numerous times we can testify to the Lord’s provision and protection. There are always many mixed emotions when faced with change so please pray with us as we leave Israel and prepare to start a new chapter in the US. We both feel called to continue our Hebrew studies and in time, perhaps we will bring a pilgrimage back here. In Hebrew, we say, בעזרת השם (ba-ezrat hashem) meaning ‘with the help of God’. If you would like to follow what is happening in our ministry in the future as we move on to Wisconsin, then we would love to hear from you, and will create a new email list for those who want to keep in touch and hear of the next stage of our ministry. In the meantime, peace to you all as we begin the Lenten journey and may the שלום (shalom) of the Lord be upon you.”

… and we Embrace the Middle East anew!

As the Cables move on, the Mission Support Group considered who should be our main focus for supporting mission overseas. The continuing needs of the Middle East are obvious, presented in our newsfeeds daily, and it is an area where God’s love needs to be seen and felt. So, the PCC has agreed that our main effort should go to support Embrace the Middle East’s work in Israel/Palestine (that is Israel, Gaza and the West Bank) and Lebanon, for an initial trial period of 2 years. The charity’s partners in the region have continued to operate throughout the recent crisis under extremely difficult conditions, demonstrating the love of God to all in need. Indeed, the reports of their work have been incredibly moving and bear witness to the impact Christians can have in the area. See embraceme.org/partner-updates for more.

Embrace is a charity we have supported occasionally over the last few years, and we have had Rowena Worthington come to speak to us twice, in 2020 and 2023, so it is familiar. Supporting Embrace anew and continuously will enable us to be involved in Christian ministry in the region, hopefully rebuilding lives so badly affected by the conflict over the last year and a half. While we will not have the immediate personal contact we have had with the Cables, and the Santanas before them, we are promised regular updates from a wide range of projects and annual visits from Embrace’s speakers. It may even be possible to have visits from some of the partners themselves. With its offices now in High Wycombe town centre, Embrace has been working in the Middle East for over 170 years, and we can be assured that they are there for the duration!

So, look out for updates on Embrace’s work in Outlook and for visiting speakers. If you would like to support Embrace personally, please go to their website www.embraceme.org/give-general. Thank you.

Mission Support Group

Your Church Needs Your Help!

The Mission Support Group also urgently needs your help:

  • To make the link with Embrace work smoothly and effectively, we would like to appoint a church “ambassador” to be the link with the charity. If getting to know the Middle East better, and working to improve it, appeals to you, please do speak to Keith.

  • We need people to join the Mission Support Group and to take it forward. After helping to set the group up and leading it for the last 7 years, David and Charlotte Tester will be stepping down in May. Again, please do speak to Keith if you would like to be involved.

Nature Quest

This lovely patch of violets is under our churchyard hedge: some white, some purple, but what sort of violet? Dog violet? Scented violet? Well these are probably Early dog violets, which flower in March, and are a different species from Dog violets which flower in April. And I couldn’t smell them, so not Scented violets! Maybe you’d like to crawl round on hands and knees sniffing all the violets to test whether scented? No wonder, for most of us we’re happy to just call them violets.

White and purple violets

Last Autumn two keen experts from BMERC (Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre) searched our churchyard to list the different plants and trees, and named an impressive 74 species, with their Latin names of course! Far more than our Nature Quest Day a couple of years ago. I hope some day we’ll host an event where everyone has a list of the 74 species and see how many we can tick. I think we’ll need a picture of each one, to know what we’re looking for!

The BMERC experts were searching our churchyard to see if it merits being classified as a “Local Wildlife Site”. Such sites are relatively few and need to include something quite special. Well even with 74 species, ours isn’t special enough. The churchyard had previously been designated a Biological Notification Site, but those are being phased out, and the better ones re-classified as Local Wildlife Sites. Nevertheless, there is still much of interest in our churchyard, and BMERC encourages us to record whatever is noticed here. An app called i-Record allows anyone to take a photo and upload it to the national record via such as BMERC.

Of the 74 species, one surprised me: Western Redcedar. It seems that the overgrown conifer to the northwest of our churchtower is not the Leylandii cypress that we’ve all called it, but is a Western Redcedar. I’ve had a look at the foliage and each frond is much flatter than Leylandii. How didn’t we notice that before?! However, it’s still a kind of cypress and still not a native species and it’s still overgrown and probably it’ll have to go, ere long.

Western Redcedar fronds, front and back, all very flat, in contrast with Leylandii

In church near the font, is kept a white ring-binder called Nature Log book. Please feel free to look in it and see what others have noted and then add whatever you have observed. Children’s contributions are equally valuable. If you email me any photos I’ll print them and add to the Log. You’ll find the photo of the violets and also of a bee orchid. A few wild bee orchids were planted a year ago as an experiment, and I’m please to see at least one growing again.

Nature Log Book on the font

Sadly this Nature Quest article will be my last one. We are in process of selling our house and moving further north to be nearer family. There have been about 50 such articles since the first one in September 2020. At the end of that first one I wrote:

“I hope that our Nature Quest will grow from churchyard to stream to big wide world, and from birds and bugs to fish and pond-life to trees and forest, and from telescope to microscope, and our thinking from fascination to admiration, and our focus from Creation to Creator.”

I think my hope is being largely fulfilled. Certainly Nature Quest has grown in my own thinking and faith and appreciation of our Lord, the Creator. And at church Nature Quest has developed from nice words and pretty pictures into the practical actions of Eco Church and the enthusiasm of our Eco Group.

So, where do we go from here? That’s for you to decide and to do. After each day of creation (in Genesis Chapter 1) “God saw that it was good”. May the Lord bless you, that you too may see that it is good.

Mike Hill



Thank you Mike for the wealth of your Nature Quest articles over the last 5 years. Ed.

Shrovetide, Lent and Easter

What’s It All About?

Christmas is regarded, widely, as the most popular and appealing of the Festivals of the Church: unsurprising, given the fun, presents, gaiety and celebratory nature of Christmas. But the real meaning of our faith lies in the Easter Passion of JESUS, His death on the Cross, resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven to return to His place, occupied since before time began.

The precursor of Holy Week and the Easter weekend begins with Lent. This is a time for preparation: abstinence and fasting, self-denial and charitable giving in time, talents and money. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

Even before Lent, however, there is Shrovetide: this is the pre-Lenten period of personal reflection and penitence. Christians reflect upon their lives and living, to consider what amendments they should make to their lives and worship and to pray for guidance in making the necessary changes.

Shrovetide ends on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. On Shrove Tuesday, Christians come together in church to confess their sins and be absolved – cleansed – shriven before Lent begins. Traditionally, pancakes are made and eaten; in some cultures, the term used is Mardi Gras, French for “Fat Tuesday”, when rich, or fatty foods are eaten ahead of Lenten fasting. Historically, Shrove Tuesday was the occasion to use up and consume foodstuffs that would not be eaten in Lent.

Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is so named because Christians have ashes put upon their foreheads as a sign of penance, a reminder of our human frailty and our important need to be reconciled to GOD.

“Dust thou are and unto dust shall thou return.” These words, from Genesis, chapter 3, verse 19, are uttered as the priest anoints the brow with ashes, which are the ashes of palm crosses, handed back by worshippers, burned and their ashes reused to anoint the brow. The origins of this go back to the Old Testament, when sinners performed acts of public penance. Today they are a symbol of our human failings and our acknowledgement of our need for GOD’s forgiveness.

Lent, traditionally, lasts for forty days and forty nights – the same period in which JESUS was alone in the desert and tempted by the Devil. It is usually observed for the whole of the six Sundays, in effect, that Lent lasts, but some adhere to the belief that Sunday was a day of respite on which allowances were made for some relaxation of the strict rules of fasting and abstinence. This was and is to allow the faithful a pause for rest and rejuvenation in their fasting.

The fixing of the timetable for Easter and, therefore, Lent is complicated, and another article might explore how the date for Easter is calculated. Broadly, it falls on the first Sunday after the Full Moon date, itself falling after the 21st March. In 2025, Easter Sunday falls on Sunday the 20th April, 47 days after Shrove Tuesday!

Before we get to Easter Sunday, we celebrate Holy Week, commencing with Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter Day. This commemorates the day that JESUS rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey to joyous applause and praise and entered the Temple. The donkey was a symbol of humility and those who were expecting a Messiah were expecting that JESUS would turn right at the top of the mount and enter the Roman garrison, thereby proclaiming the Kingdom of GOD: instead, he turned left into the Temple. His Kingdom was one of service and love, not violence. At services on Palm Sunday, palm crosses are Blessed and handed out, as a remembrance of that occasion.

Holy Monday and Holy Tuesday are days of preparation for Easter. Holy Wednesday used to be known as “Spy Wednesday”; it marks Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of JESUS for thirty pieces of silver. Maundy Thursday, called after the Latin “mandatum”, remembers JESUS’ commandment to us all: love one another. He washed His disciples’ feet. Today, it is the occasion for the distribution of Maundy money by the Monarch.

The distribution of Royal Maundy dates back to Henry IV (1399-1413(. Until then, it had been the practice, one way or another, of the monarch to wash feet. Henry changed it to gifting money, although the formal act of handing out Royal Maundy had to wait until Charles II and the Restoration. Charles gave coins minted in 1662. The tradition of washing feet by a monarch faded out in the 18th century. The distribution of Royal Maundy continues to this day.

Each recipient is handed two tied leather purses: a red and white one. The red purse contains ordinary coins, the white silver Maundy money. The recipients are chosen for their service to the Christian community and the number of recipients equals the age of the Monarch. The red purse contains £5.50, and represents robe, food and clothing allowances. The white contains Maundy money minted for the occasion, being one penny, two pence, three pence and four pence. This year the Service will be at Durham Cathedral on Thursday the 17th April.

GOOD FRIDAY is the most solemn day of the Christian calendar, as this was the day upon which JESUS was crucified. On Holy Saturday, JESUS descended into Hell as, today, Christians await the day that follows. Was it worth it? EASTER SUNDAY provides JESUS’ answer: “Yes, it is worth it - all the time.”

Christopher Tyrer


An Irishman walks into a Dublin bar, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in a corner of the room, taking a sip out of each glass in turn. When all three pint glasses are empty, he returns to the bar and orders three more. The bartender advises him: ‘You know, a pint goes flat after it’s drawn. It would taste better if you bought one at a time.’

The Irishman replies: ‘Well, you see, I have two brothers – one in America, the other in Australia and I’m here in Dublin. When we all left home, we promised to always drink this way to remember the days when we drank together.’

The bartender admits that this is a touching custom and leaves it at that. Over the next few weeks the Irishman becomes a regular at the bar, always drinking the same way: ordering three pints of Guinness at a time and drinking them in turn.

One day, he comes in and orders only two pints. The other regulars notice and fall silent. When he returns to the bar for the second round, the bartender says: ‘I don’t want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to offer my condolences and those of our regulars on your sad loss.’

The Irishman looks confused for a moment before the light dawns and he laughs. ‘Oh, no,’ he says, ‘everyone’s fine but I’ve stopped drinking for Lent.’

From A Bucket of Surprises, J. John and Mark Stibbe, Monarch Books.

The Pope’s Astronomer

Formally he’s the Director of the Vatican Observatory, but Br. Guy Consolmagno SJ is better known as The Pope’s Astronomer. Both Scientist and Priest, Brother Guy is a guy I really admire. He writes a blog/newsletter telling of the recent wonders in the heavens and always ties it up with his love for the Lord, the Creator of it all, indeed the Creator of us all.

One such wonder has been the alignment of several of the planets, close to each other in the night sky: you will have especially noticed Venus, very bright in recent evenings, and others not far away. One clever astrophotographer created the picture (from left to right) of a piece of the moon, Venus (the crescent), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, all with exactly the same magnification, though I think he’s adjusted the exposure time on some of them. All taken on the same evening. Mercury is missing because not visible at that time.

Guy’s blog continues: “The other thing that started up this past week is, of course, Lent. Just as we are feeling the promise of a summer to come in the weather, we pull back from our usual patterns of living (and snacking!) to make us all the more aware of the joy of the Resurrection coming ever closer. Jesuit* spirituality reminds us that recalling our sins also means recalling how deeply God loves us in spite of those sins; and that fasting makes the coming feast taste sweeter. God is revealed in creation; that includes the created things we set aside, that we appreciate the more in their absence.

“Where I find God revealed is in the sky and stars overhead (such as the Moon, taken from us in an eclipse only to be revealed anew); the wind and weather that surrounds me; the changing of the seasons; the ice and mud and sand beneath my feet. Too often I find myself living in my head, trapped there by daily anxieties. It’s important to take a moment to step outside my house, outside myself, and breathe deep. Then I can embrace the day with a clear head and spirit.

“This is one remarkable universe we live in, one delightful planet we get to call home.”

Warmer weather is beginning and sometimes clearer skies, so take the opportunity to gaze at the night sky, and if you live in Hughenden or Naphill be thankful for the lack of street lights!

Mike Hill

*Jesuit: the SJ after Guy’s name indicates he is a Jesuit, a member of the Society of Jesus (S.J.), a Roman Catholic religious order for men, noted for educational, missionary, and charitable works.

According to Livia

There is but one tiny verse in the Bible that gives voice to the wife of Pontius Pilate. Only Matthew of the four gospel writers allows for the fact that she was there.

She says, almost pleading:

‘Have nothing to do with that innocent man, because in a dream last night I suffered much on account of him.’

Matthew 27:19

Poor Pontius Pilate, a fractious, angry mob on one side, his wife on the other and a man who refuses to defend or justify himself in the middle. What is he to do? Here is his wife's version of events. Her name is Livia.

Of course I knew that it was unwise. I had become interested in this Jesus, who some called the king of the Jews. Even that was inflammatory. But, nobody knows if you're looking or listening. Nobody knows what you're thinking do they?

Pontius had spoken about him to his advisors and there had even been emissaries from Rome. It would never have crossed my husband’s mind that I would be curious. He probably thought I couldn't understand the discussion.

‘Livia,’ he would say, ‘come and sit with me.’ And he would play with the ringlets in my hair and stroke my face. But I was disturbed by this Jewish rebel and stories of him played in my head, disturbing my sleep and filling my days with confused and turbulent thoughts.

On more than one occasion I covered myself in my maid’s cloak, pulling it down over my face and walking amongst the crowds in the Jerusalem market places. I could see that Aurelia was terrified for my safety, and, who knows, maybe for my sanity, but as a slave she had no right to voice her own thoughts and so I wandered at will, confident I would not be found out.

The city was aflame with rumour and accusation. The people were fickle, easily swayed and moving in loud, jostling hordes, intoxicated by their own passion. The hold of the Roman occupiers over this part of their empire suddenly felt unsteady as the Jewish rabble felt a power run through their blood, demands filling their mouths. Sometimes, anything seemed possible.

And then there was that fateful day…

I knew what was happening. I knew my husband was receiving the man called Jesus and I knew that the mob would demand his death. Nobody ever truly listens to me, least of all my husband but I still had to try. There had to be a reason why my night had been filled with a clear conviction that whatever was said, however events played out, Jesus was innocent. I told Pontius to be careful, that it would be unwise for the fate of this man to be held in his hands. I was met with silence and when I spoke louder and pulled on his robe I was gently but firmly batted away; something of no consequence. When I shouted, Aurelia touched my arm and whispering frantically tried to encourage to me into my own room. Pontius stared at me, his shocked expression showing he thought I had been possessed by some evil demon. His wife had never behaved like this.

Evil happens when good people stay quiet. I believed that and held that thought close as I sank to my knees and cried. I had tried, I comforted myself. For whose sake I wondered. My own, my husband’s or the bloodied and broken man dragged to the steps, his ears ringing with the savage yells of the crowd? How will Pontius live with himself? How will he find peace? I could hear him trying to reason with the crowd, a thankless task for sure and I, only I could hear the panic in his voice, choices and possibilities falling away to his feet. And then, what I saw as an act of desperation, trying to remove himself from the decision, washing his hands in front of the people. Was it only to my eyes that the water turned to blood? As if the crowd cared. They had their man and they had permission to crucify him.

Eventually I heard my husband lift the curtain and stand looking at me, lying curled up on the couch. Our eyes met and words were not necessary. He had the grace to look away first, ashamed I thought but probably frightened as well. It was difficult not to feel contempt but somehow I knew that events had not been entirely in his bloodied hands. Other things were going on here that I didn't pretend to understand.

That night was full of pain, darkness and a heaviness of spirit. I could sense that Pontius was pacing the floor. There was no point in him trying to rest as his soul was full of guilt and trouble. I however eventually slept, and dreamt this time of happenings so amazing, so filled with light and happiness that I awoke filled to overflowing with a deep feeling of love and goodness. Here was a new morning and life danced before my eyes with a brightness that stole my breath. Pontius looked at me warily as I wished him good day and understandably was confused by my smile. I put my hand on his shoulder, kissed his cheek and told him: ‘All will be well.’

Susan Brice

Mothers' Union

On March 4th we had thirty plus people at our Mothers Union Meeting.

Our speaker was from a small charity called Keep A Girl In School which I am sure, like myself, many will not have heard of.

The speaker shared how young girls in Kenya were missing school because they were too poor to buy sanitary pads. This leads to the girls struggling to keep up with schoolwork and many drop out, leaving them isolated and potentially vulnerable to all kinds of exploitation.

The charity was founded by two ladies who raised funds to enable pads to be purchased for the girls. Kenyan staff then distribute them regularly during term time to secondary schools. From very small beginnings, and with the support of their many wonderful donors, KaGiS now supports 3,500+ girls in 19 schools in rural western Kenya.

These girls now have the means to care for themselves without having to miss school. We were surprised to learn that a donation of just £5 would supply one pupil for a whole year!

If you are interested in finding out more, have a look at the website www.amaniuk.org.uk.

After the talk we had our usual refreshments supplied by our lovely MU members.

Janet Booth

A very big thank you to everyone who supported our Coffee morning in February. It was a busy morning and lovely to see so many people chatting and enjoying themselves.

It was a bright if chilly morning and we had decided to offer warm sausage rolls, cheese scones and a selection of cakes.

The produce stall included homemade marmalade, chutney, shortbread, quiches and beautiful hand stitched cards.

We were delighted to raise £424 for Mothers’ Union charities. One of which is providing toiletry bags for parents who need to stay close to their children in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.

Please take a look in the Mothers’ Union garden where a planter has been placed to remember one of our members, Joan Steel, who initially had the vision to create the garden. An amazing plaque on the wall below was carved by Margaret Jaycock.

Dianne Walker

Chiltern Arts Festival

Friday 9th May - Tuesday 20th May 2025

Walk in the footsteps of Bach, discover the Venice of Vivaldi, cross oceans with Ravel… Journey along rivers, through history and into imagination…


The festival commences on Friday the 9th May at 12.30 pm. Globe-trotting on the River with Lizzie Ball and Milos Milivojevic: this is a lunchtime cruise with Hobbs of Henley, with a two course lunch and music, around the world from Piaf in Paris to Tango from Argentina, not omitting from Piazzolla to Balkan Folk, on violin and accordion, as we cruise along the Thames.

Tuesday the 13th May sees our concert at St Michael & All Angels’ Church, Hughenden, at 6.00 pm. Some of the Purcell School’s most talented young musicians present a programme that explores how music for the keyboard has developed with the advances in the instruments themselves. With music from Bach to Beethoven, Chopin, Janacek and Debussy, this is another excellent concert in the Hughenden series.

Are you hardy enough for three concerts in one day? Wednesday the 14th May offers the thespian musician the opportunity to indulge. At 6.30 am, (not a misprint!), “Beneath Brightening Sky” on Whiteleaf Hill, “Midday Meet” at 12.00 pm in Holy Trinity Church, Bledlow and “A Dusk Gathering” at 7.30 pm in St Dunstan’s Church, Monks Risborough, are the three concerts featuring Huw Wiggin and the Ferio Saxophone Quartet.

The finale is a stunner! An hour-long programme, commencing at 7.30 pm (6.30 pm for the pre-concert talk( at The Wycombe Swan Theatre. The United Strings of Europe, together with Gandini Juggling perform a programme that, at its heart, is Vaughan Williams’ The Lark Ascending, played in a rarely heard chamber music arrangement. It will be amazing. We look forward to seeing you there!

Christopher Tyrer

For tickets and information:www.chilternarts.com or call 01442 920303


From Virginia Woolf to Susan Hill - Down The Rabbit Hole

I have recently been down a long and convoluted Virginia Woolf shaped rabbit hole and what a fascinating journey it has been.

It began with ‘The Memory Library’ by Kate Storey, (visit: beyondtheairing cupboard.co.uk to read my thoughts on that book and a musing about ‘Mrs Dalloway,’) and led me to have another go at the novels of Virginia Woolf. ‘Mrs Dalloway’ seemed as if it might be the most easily accessible, I read it and loved it. I was so surprised and wasn’t going to jinx the situation by picking up ‘To the Lighthouse’; found incomprehensible in student days. Thus I turned to ‘Jacob’s Room’ and ‘A Room of One’s Own’. I then realised that the latter wasn’t a novel at all but a long and heartfelt feminist essay with quite virulent attacks on the ruling patriarchy. Remember these works were written and published in the 1920s, a time of passionate protests about the lack of women’s suffrage and in the years after the First World War when women were trying to find their place in society again as men returned home. All this is based on the premise that men always have their own space, room etc and women virtually always do not. I wonder if that is the same today. It’s interesting how many female writers have written their novels at the kitchen table with children playing on the floor and the dinner cooking close by. Men always seem to have a spare room, a garret or even a shed to which to retreat. Do women have sheds? Maybe writing rooms at the bottom of the garden these post-Covid days.

Anyway, I digress. Searching around this wealth of thinking and writing I came upon ‘The Hours’. I had heard of this as a film and knew it had a Woolfian connection but I didn’t know it as a book. Oh my goodness, what an excellent read it is, written so skilfully by Michael Cunningham. I truly loved it. The author takes apart Virginia Woolf’s story of ‘Mrs Dalloway’ and recreates it in modern day Manhattan. He draws inventively on the life and work of the author to tell his own story of a group of contemporary characters all struggling in their own way with the conflicting claims of love and hope, inheritance and despair. Almost playful references are made to the original ‘Mrs Dalloway’ book with Michael Cunningham opening with exactly the same line: “ Mrs Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself,” and indeed calling the main character by Mrs Dalloway’s name: Clarissa. Also, the title “ The Hours” was the working name of Woolf’s novel.

All the action takes place on one day, following both the original story and the example of Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’. Woolf was very influenced by James Joyce whose mammoth, controversial book was published just a couple of years before her own in 1922. Michael Cunningham plays with the passage of time, with Virginia Woolf’s device of writing in a stream of consciousness and with our interconnectedness with each other, even when we don’t want this to be so.

It was a treat to find films of both Mrs Dalloway and The Hours, both with excellent actors. The first starring Vanessa Redgrave, and The Hours with a stellar performance by Meryl Streep.

I then turned to ‘Jacob’s Room’ where Virginia Woolf delves into the life of Jacob Flanders, whom we come to know by a series of vignettes pieced together through the perspectives of those around him. He is a young man who cannot find his place in life. His friends and family find him difficult, elusive and enigmatic. This is rather like a lecture in literary devices as the meaning of life is explored through internal monologues, letters and experimental narrative. Jacob is killed in the First World War and when eventually his rooms are cleared out, his mother and his friend are left perplexed and bemused by the emptiness, conveyed by the few, random possessions. Mrs Flanders is left holding up Jacob’s old shoes, unsure what to do with them, signifying the incompleteness of his life.

Then it occurred to me that I had a Susan Hill book, from about 8 years ago, called ‘Jacob’s Room is full of books.’ This is one of her books about books, that I find very enjoyable to read. At the time I did not realise she was making a very loose literary allusion to Virginia Woolf but now it is very obviously so. Susan Hill goes through a year of her reading, interspersed with memories and thoughts and with how the natural world changes with the months. She is an opinionated writer, which is fine by me. Some sentiments I agree with and some I don’t. As far as I’m concerned that just makes the book stimulating and thought provoking.

So now, just to keep the metaphor going, I have surfaced from the rabbit hole, am sitting on the grass in the sunshine, slightly breathless and wondering if it was all a dream.

I won’t now be venturing ‘To the Lighthouse,’ instead I think maybe it’s time to catch up with the slightly grubby but engaging goings on of Rebus in a couple of Ian Rankin books.

Susan Brice

April Recipe

Creamy Courgette and Bean-Otto

Having just returned from Brazil, I am sure Roger will be saying no more beans as beans and rice seems to be the staple diet there! But beans are so good for us and particularly in times like lent when some of us may have pledged to eat less meat and eat healthily.  

This recipe is a version of risotto but with beans instead of rice and easy to prepare. It is a lighter, fresher and much quicker than a traditional risotto and an absolute favorite when courgettes are around in summer months.

The jars of beans which are available in supermarkets now are significantly better than the tins, and although more expensive this is a main course so reasonable cost efficient. I also add about 50g of orzo pasta at stage 2, this makes it more substantial. I would definitely recommend something crunchy on the top, whether it is pine nuts, toasted seeds or breadcrumbs to give it more texture.

Julia Grant


1 tbsp olive oil

2 courgettes, one coarsely grated and one sliced into rounds

2 garlic cloves grated

1 jar of cannellini beans with their juice

Juice and grated zest of ½ lemon

1 tbsp crème fraiche

50g parmesan cheese or other

50g orzo or other small pasta (optional)

15g parsley leaves

A handful of pine nuts seeds or toasted breadcrumbs


  1. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the grated courgettes.

  2. Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the sliced courgette with a pinch of salt and cook for 7-8 mins. Then add the grated courgette and garlic, add the orzo or pasta if being used and cook for 2-3 mins. Grate in the zest of ½ lemon.

  3. Pour in the beans with their bean stock (or a tin with veg stock). Season well with black pepper and salt if necessary.

  4. Reduce the heat to low and stir in the crème fraiche and cheese. This all comes together quite quickly. Stir in the chopped parsley and add the juice of ½ lemon.

  5. Serve the beans in a bowl; grate some more lemon and Parmesan over the top. Toast the pine nuts or breadcrumbs and spread onto the bowl.

From the Potting Shed

Here we are in proper spring! I love that bright, optimistic, yellowy green that we get in the new shoots and buds. Easter is quite late this year so there will be plenty of flowers to decorate the church and make that lovely contrast between the empty, solemn Lenten church and the joyful, exuberant, extravagance of bright yellow, flowery Easter.

Who makes the hot cross buns for Good Friday in your church I wonder? It is a task quite tightly guarded up here. I won’t say jealously but you know what I mean! And, would you believe it, it all went wrong last year. A nice lady, new to our congregation, thought she would be very kind and provide buns for everyone. What could you say but thank you. Whisper it, but they were bought not home made. Shock horror. I’m glad to say nobody was churlish enough to comment. Anyway, then, you have to laugh, Alfie, Beryl’s grandson who works at the Co-Op, arrived at church on Good Friday with 4 dozen buns. He was very pleased with himself. Personally, I think the buns had gone out of date, but again, not good manners to say.

So, enough buns for the whole village, even if they don’t come to church. Luckily they freeze well (the buns not the people) and my tip is that hot cross buns make a lovely bread and butter pudding. My MacGregor will certainly be asking for second helpings.

Happy Easter my dears, yours,

Cecily MacGregor

Jobs for April

  1. April is the month for planting potatoes, shallots and garlic. If you are fortunate enough to have a greenhouse then you can also sow courgettes and sweetcorn.

  2. Give your beds a spring time boost so that they can give you the best possible results in summer. Dig in a good layer of compost or well rotted manure. You might also choose to add pelleted chicken manure or fish, blood and bone.

  3. Pinch out the tips of fuchsia plants and sweet pea shoots to encourage bushy summer growth.

  4. Deadhead daffodils and tulips as the flowers finish but leave the foliage to die back naturally.

  5. Maybe now is the time to invest in a water butt, positioning it under a down-pipe to make the most of rainfall.

  6. Now is also a good time to sow grass seed or lay new turf.

April Edition


Outlook is published monthly and contains information about our church services and activities, local events, news from the vicarage, pages for children plus a variety of articles sent in by individuals ranging from wildlife, cookery, poems, thoughts, humour and observations about this and that – in fact there is a mixture of the spiritual and secular which is right and appropriate, all being part of God’s world.

‘Outlook’ goes to many homes where sermons do not, so it is to be hoped that as well as being informative and entertaining it will always show something of God’s love and compassion, forever constant in this rapidly changing world.

It has been remarked that the magazine reflects the loving relationship that exists in our congregations, and we do so warmly welcome you to share in this.

The magazine can always be found on the shelves to the left of the font. Please do pick one up every month as it will contain all the up to date information you need as well as useful telephone numbers and administrative information.

Outlook Editorial Team

Sylvia Clark

01494 562801

Jane Tyrer

01844 344650

Chris Tyrer

01844 344650

Susan Brice

01494 445899

The magazine is published monthly. Articles for the magazine can be sent to mag​@hughenden​parish​church​.org​.uk. The deadline is the 15th of the month. If you would like one delivered then please contact Andrew Cole.

Andrew Cole

Magazine Distribution & Delivery

01494 305020