Prepare for the Services of Easter

From Monday 14th April to Good Friday, the Stations of the Cross will be set out in the church. Come and walk in the footsteps of Jesus along the Via Dolorosa, the sad walk to the cross.

Palm Sunday

13th April

9.00 am - Palm Procession & Choral Communion

11.00 am - Family Communion

6.00 pm - Evensong (Sung)

Holy Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

14th-16th April

Mon: 7.00 pm - Holy Communion (Said)

Tues: 11.00 am - Holy Communion (Said)

Wed: 7.00 pm - Holy Communion (Said)

Maundy Thursday

17th April

7.00 pm - Holy Communion and Stripping of the Altars

Good Friday

18th April

9.00 am - Morning Prayer

11.00 am - All Age Service

2.00 pm - An Hour at the Cross

Easter Eve

19th April

10.00 am - 12.00 pm - Easter Eggventure

7.00 pm - Easter Vigil and Renewal of Baptismal Vows

Easter Day

20th April

9.00 am - Choral Communion

11.00 am - Family Communion

6.00 pm - Evensong (Sung)

See Also